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19 декабря 2005

Большой зал дома актера
Израиль, 2003, 
Эран Риклис
Главная героиня этого фильма – Мона, молодая друзская невеста, которая должна отправиться из Израиля в Сирию, чтобы выйти замуж за Талеля, звезду сирийского телевидения. Моне придется стать сирийской подданной и расстаться с дорогой ее сердцу семьей. Этот фильм был признан лучшим на кинофестивале в Монреале (2004), завоевал приз зрительских симпатий на кинофестивале в Локарно (2003), а также – приз за лучший сценарий на кинофестивале в Генте (2004)

Though the film is called The Syrian Bride, the story is about much more than the title character, Mona. Played by Clara Khoury (who also starred as a bride in Rana's Wedding), Mona doesn't have very many lines in this new Israeli film. Instead, she acts as a gravitational body that the main themes of the film orbit around -- her sister Amal's unhappy marriage, the problems of tribal politics, the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, and on a more abstract level, the broader political conflict in the Middle East.

Featuring a mostly Palestinian-Israeli cast, the film takes place in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Golan Heights, different from Druze villages in Israel proper when it comes to its unwavering loyalty to Syria. Mona is to be wed to a cousin she has never met, a famous television actor who lives in Syria. But instead of being a happy one, the day is mournful. Thanks to the cold war between Israel and Syria, Mona will never again see the family she knows in Majdal Shams.

Mona's family comes from near and far to congratulate her as well as say goodbye. Returning home are her brothers Hattem, who betrayed the village's code tribal loyalty by leaving the village eight years earlier and starting a family with his Russian wife, as well as Mona's playboy brother Marwan, who lives it up in Italy -- but the homecoming is not without conflict. Hattem is barely acknowledged by their father (played by Khoury's actual father, Markam), despite his mother's pleas, and Marwan returns home to an angry former girlfriend, an amusing caricature of a Red Cross employee working in the village.

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